Food is an art

la cuisine est un art

Innovation and creativity are included among the traits that are most commonly attributed to a successful chef in the highest spheres of haute cuisine. Chefs are not just craftsmen, artisans, or business persons; they are expected to offer patrons (and critics) dishes and menus that stimulate and surprise them.

The kitchen is the vehicle of civilization and culture is a serious matter. Cooking is without doubt an art, the art of loving.

Often you find yourself preparing "something good" for the people we love. Already in the preparation of the ingredients we create love. The strength of this mysterious magic helps us to mix, create, decorate, prepare any dish, keeping in mind your loved one.

It 'an art expression of themselves. In preparing a scope, as well as in painting, writing a poem, a song, the person fully expresses itself, free of the social constraints that often block the development of our potential: an act that allows the free expression of ourselves with the subsequent expansion of our being. When we cook for someone we love we have a feeling of well-being!