Pizzeria Hot Meeting

No, dear readers, I do not know the meaning behind the name of this Milanese pizzeria ; could it be to recall a romantic and successful tryst or just a hot as in “cool” spot to meet one’s friends. However, it is immaterial. What matters is that this is a wonderful and friendly restaurant, offering not just pizzas, but with a delicious and varied menu.

The Pizzeria is situated in the pleasant tree-filled, quiet square, la Piazza Bernini, a five minute walk from our hotel, an extra merit in traffic-heavy Milan and so it has become our local eatery. We are always sure of a kind and warm welcome from the friendly family who own and run it, Amedeo and Mario, the brothers, and Amedeo’s son who is also now working here.

ristorante hot meetingAs soon as we sit down we are brought a welcome glass of white wine in a chilled glass with a flower decorating the rim, then comes the freshly hot from the oven focaccia and slices of wafer thin prosciutto; we have to limit ourselves as we need to leave room for the other delights.

I find it difficult to resist the little courgettes sticks and squid rings fried in a very light crispy batter; there is a wonderful plate of hardly cooked red tuna, meltingly and seriously tasty, so tender and delicious. And, naturally, the pizzas themselves, cooked to order in the wood burning oven which give that authentic, special aroma and taste. Whatever topping you choose, you can be sure that the ingredients are super fresh and of the highest quality.

But do leave some room for a dessert; the apple tart with the thinnest and most delicate and crispy of pastries and perhaps a scoop of vanilla ice-cream to gild the lily. I am usually too full for anything but that irresistible glass of lemon sorbet, liquid enough to be drunk through a straw, and an ice-cold limoncello will round the proceedings off very nicely. The restaurant is usually full of Italian families coming to spend time together and bring their children; I think this is the best recommendation possible. The locals love it and so do we.
